南洋邪術之絕命 飛頭降 上集

      2003年炎熱的六月天接了一個非常棘手的案子. 一位中年婦人經過朋友介紹. 墾求仙姑幫忙救她全家的性命. 經瞭解之後知道原來她丈夫在越南投資了大筆資産做橡膠產業賺了很多錢.其夫平時為人處事態度高調不知收斂. 做了不少違背道德的事(在擁有了名利之後墮落的人不在少數). 以致日後得罪了人. 也引來不少貪婪的人用盡辦法想控制他心智. 欲串謀奪他的財產. 更導致後來全家人恐有滅門之災. 原本像其夫那種心術不正自作孽之人的案子. 就算再有錢仙姑是堅決不接的. 但此案已經連累到其他幾個無辜的人. 于是就答應了婦人的哀求。 

       此富商剛投資橡膠產業時還算老實勤快.但只有他自己一人長期在越南做事業. 與家人都只是短暫時間相處.(因當時很多方面考量. 家人和妻小不適合安排到越南一起生活住)漸漸地就跟三教九流之輩常混在一起. 某一天有損友跟富商商量. 要不要嘗試十出頭歲的小姑娘. 富商驚訝的問. 年紀太小不適合吧. 損友說絕對適合. 並且稱說女孩的父母也同意只要給足夠的費用及雙方簽好協議就可以. 不會有任何麻煩的. 富商心想與妻子長期聚少離多(偶爾會花錢去買春)早已春心難耐就答應這個不太道德的交易了.當晚小女孩就被送到富商安排的地方. 天真的小女孩看到廳堂華麗的擺設很開心. 富商拿出很多包裝精緻的糖果餅乾和飲料給女孩(飲料裡有放迷藥). 女孩很高興的就拆開吃. 很快小女孩覺得有睏意就昏睡了. 富商馬上按耐不住伸出了狼爪和淫邪的嘴臉. 不顧女孩的驚恐和哭叫(因為是第一次下迷藥不敢放太多. 所以女孩很快就有些意識了). 就這樣富商第一次嘗到新鮮甜頭. 以後就色心更加放縱. 看到各種類型女人都想玩. 富商覺得只要不殺人不放火. 有錢就可以做他想做的事. 在家人和妻兒的面前一直表現出是很老實勤奮的商人. 親人都不知道他已經墮落在色慾魔道了。“萬惡淫為首. 色字頭上一把刀” 是真理。

Nanyang Sorcery’s doom, flying head down (part one)

Caught a tough case on a hot June Day in 2003. A middle-aged woman was introduced by a friend. Kagu asked for help to save her family’s life. It turned out that her husband had invested a lot of money in Vietnam and made a lot of money in the rubber industry. Her husband has a very high-profile manner. Do a lot of unethical things, ie not a few people go down after fame and fortune. So much so that he offended people in the future. It also attracted a lot of greedy people who tried to control his mind. To conspire against his property. And the whole family will be killed. The case of a man who, like his husband, was guilty of a crime of his own making. No matter how rich she is, she will never accept it. But this case has implicated several other innocent people. And he answered the woman’s supplication.

The wealthy businessman was honest and diligent when he first invested in the rubber industry. But he was the only one who had a long career in Vietnam. It’s just a little time with the family. (because of many considerations at that time. Family and wife and children were not suitable for living together in Vietnam) gradually became mixed up with the various people. One day you have a bad friend and you talk to a rich businessman. Try a teenage girl. The rich businessman asked in surprise. Too Young for that. Bad Friend says it’s perfect. It said the girl’s parents also agreed to give her enough money and sign an agreement with both parties. There won’t be any trouble. The wealthy businessman was so desperate to spend more time away from his wife (and occasionally to buy sex) that he agreed to an unethical deal. That night the little girl was sent to a place arranged by a rich merchant. The innocent little girl was glad to see the splendid decorations in the hall. The rich merchant gave the girl a lot of well-packaged candy cookies and drinks (which were laced with roofies) . The girl was so happy that she ate it. Soon the little girl felt sleepy and fell asleep. The rich merchant at once could not resist sticking out his wolf’s claws and lewd face. Regardless of the girl’s panic and cries (because it was the first time she had been drugged and didn’t dare put too much, so the girl soon came to her senses) . And that’s when the rich man got his first taste of something new. I’m going to be even more promiscuous. See all kinds of women want to play. The rich man thought that as long as he didn’t kill anyone or set fire to anything. If he’s rich, he can do what he wants. A hard-working businessman who has always displayed himself in front of his family and his wife and children. Relatives do not know he has fallen in the lust of evil way. It is true that“Lust is the chief evil. Lust is the first word of a knife”.

To be continued, please stay tuned.

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